Sassy Scarf by Sharpin Designs

Potato Chips

Ummm, potato chips. I actually haven't eaten any in a while but after a week of travel it was all that was in the house last night for dinner. The bad thing about potato chips is it's hard to eat only one, or only a few. 

What in the world does that have to do with anything?

It was kind of like that with these scarfs. I made one, then two, then before I knew it I had an entire pile. Bonus: I managed to score the yarns super cheap since I discovered them so late in life. Double Bonus: They work up FAST.

The yarn is Boutique Sashay by Red Heart. I found their instructions on how to whip these up. Easy Peasy. Good like potato chips.

Sassy Scarf by Sharpin DesignsSassy Scarf by Sharpin Designs

Sassy Scarf by Sharpin DesignsSassy Scarf by Sharpin Designs

Sassy Scarf by Sharpin DesignsSassy Scarf by Sharpin Designs

Sassy Scarf by Sharpin Designs

The best part is all the different ways you can wear it.

Sassy Scarf by Sharpin DesignsSassy Scarf by Sharpin DesignsSassy Scarf by Sharpin Designs

Happy Hooking!


Care Sharpin

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