Yarn Haul!
I love a good yarn haul. Whether it's at a show, a sale, a find, or just a good old fashioned "shop til you drop," it's a thrill. Yesterday's haul was really good. I mean, it was truly yummy.
For the past two years my friend and I have been hitting up Fiber Circle's annual July Sidewalk Sale in Farmersville, Texas. If you've never been to this shop, it's a definite must see. The first time I went there I was so overwhelmed by the shear quantity of the inventory that I actually did not buy anything. Crazy, huh?
What's even crazier is the sheer volume of yarn that goes on sale each July. Over 10,000 skeins are placed under big canopies outside the shop. Each tent has a different price range starting from as low as $1 per skein with the most expensive being $12. (By the way, you'd think moving 10,000 skeins out of the shop would make the inside appear empty, but it doesn't.) In addition to all the goodness outside, there was an extra 10% off all the inside stuff.
Here's this year's haul. It's a lot smaller than last year because Mother Nature decided to make a sudden, violent visit. I had just brought these goodies inside to get a break from the heat, (it has HOT), and planned go back out for another round, when one of the tents blew over. Then another one went. Another one. . .
At that point the workers and the customers all dropped what they were doing and yelled "Save the Yarn!" We ended up boxing everything up as quickly as possible and moved it next to the building to prevent anything from blowing away. Fortunately it was only starting to sprinkle, but we knew the downpour was coming. Once we got everything boxed we formed an assembly line to move the boxes inside. Once the job was done, we all got indoors, sighed, and watched the sky opened up.
So, it was a bit of an abrupt end to our shopping spree, but I figured maybe Mother Nature was letting me know I have enough yarn . . . for now.
Here are some of the goodies. Enjoy!
Happy Yarn Hoarding!