Meet Madison
The good news is that I finally managed to stop making Megan Scarfs. The better news is now I'm making Maddison Necklaces! I have a couple of these in my personal collection that I made a few years back, and they always get compliments. Part of it is the metallic yarn that I use to create these. The other cool thing is - like Megan - you can wear her SO many different way. I've even worn two at a time during cooler weather to make it bulkier. This is one of those go-to accessories that will be a great enhancement to your wardrobe. Some of the ways I've worn it:
- Wear it in a single layer with loops together
- Wear it in a single layer with loops spread out
- Hide or show the accent piece.
- Add one of our pins to the accent piece
- Double it up with loops together
- Double it up with loops spread out
- Wear two together to create fuller look and expand your options even further!
The Maddison Necklace is designed by Carolyn Carleton of Living Skies Crochet. I have several of these ready to be shipped if you'd like to purchase one pre-made. I also am working on a few in a yummy green color (my favorite) and those will be available for purchase soon.
Happy Hooking!