Playing with Clay
I needed another hobby.
Yeah, RIGHT?
Honestly though, I think I mentioned that I really enjoyed the silver clay class I took in January. Well, guess what, that stuff is a bit expensive. The good news is I already have most of the tools needed from my metalsmithing days. What I lack is confidence to work with such an expensive material. To help with that, I decided to start playing around with polymer clay.
I may be addicted.
There's something wonderful about squishing the clay, pounding on it, rolling it up, squeezing it - it is very relaxing. What's even more fun is my 10YO has gotten into it as well, and he's making some really cool stuff. I'ts become our "Friday thing" that we do every week.
No surprise, I've been focused on making jewelry components. I have completed many projects yet, so this shawl pin is one of the first. I'm very pleased with how it turned out and cannot wait to wear it.
I'll share more of our creations as they get ready for prime time. In the meantime we are having fun seeing what we can come up with.
Joyful Crafting!