First Needle Punch by Care Sharpin

Giving Needle Punch a Try

This last year has been one of learning and trying new things. I've always been curious about needle punch so I decided to give it a try. I took at class at Fancy Fibers, which is a FABULOUS place, by the way, and I learned everything I needed to know. 

While I'm happy with my project, (it's now serving as a hot pad), I have to say I'm not sure if I liked the process. You work from the backside so you cannot see your work come to life; which, to me, is the best part. That being said it was super fast to do and I can envision a lot of design options. I may give it a try again as I have a kit I purchased a while back. So, the final verdict is still out, but I'm not hopeful this will be something I will continue.

Honestly, there's so much other stuff I love to do that may be a GOOD thing!

Craft Joy!


Care Sharpin

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