Weaving in White
Confession time.
I have a lot of yarn.
Seriously. A. LOT. OF. YARN.
I will never live long enough to use it all. It's shameful, really.
I think that's why I am enjoying weaving so much - it's fast and uses a ton of yarn. And, I'm knocking a serious dent in my "bits and ends" stash while having a blast.
Take these white wraps as an example.
I bought 5 skeins of yarn at a show several years back, and paid a RIDICULIOUS amount for what turned out to be just a bunch of different textured yarns knotted together every 3-5 yards. It wasn't even good stuff. It sat on the shelf for years in "time-out" as punishment for my less-than-savvy purchase, but I decided to pull it out to practice weaving.
For my first go, I used Cascade 220 on the warp. For the second try, I used the random yarns on both warp and weft. In both cases I used a 5-dent heddle. The one where I used Cascade 220 on the warp has a more airy feel, but both are stunning. TIP: Eyelash yarn on the warp is a pain to deal with and all that lovely texture gets squished,.
I have to say, I am very pleased with how they turned out. They are simply gorgeous!
Now to find the stash of black yarns that I also bought that same day...
Craft Joy!