Fabric Twine
I may have found something else I enjoy doing. Okay, okay, that happens a lot around here.
I’ve quilted for as long as I remember and have a quilt shop’s worth of fabric. I mean, truly . . . I keep giving away yards and yards of fabric, and used a TON during last year’s mask making obsession. Somehow the stash just keeps growing.
What’s even more embarrassing that my yardage is my scrap pile. I mean, nothing over 1 inch x 1 inch gets tossed. I have boxes full of 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4... you get the idea. I decided it was time to clean up some of my scraps that I had not yet converted into squares and found I had a lot of long skinny pieces. It was time to try something new.
After a few minutes on Pinterest (okay, that’s a lie – a few hours) I found fabric twine. I got busy. I tried making it the manual way (nice and relaxing in front of the TV) but wanted something faster. The hand mixer came out. THAT was FUN. Even the youngest got in on it. But I wanted something even faster.
DUH! My spinning wheel.
Since then I’ve been cutting, sewing, and spinning long strips of fabric. I’ve also started to sort my scraps by color or theme. I have a good patriotic stack and Halloween stack going now. Plans are forming, and an unexpected bonus – my spinning is IMPROVING since I’ve taken drafting out of the equation.
Now that I’ve made a bunch, it’s time to make some projects. Hmm. . . back to Pinterest!