The Sweater Shall Live Again!

The Sweater Shall Live Again!

I have made my decision. I will put on my big girl pants and my cape. I WILL save this sweater! I mean, it's just too awesome not too. It should have an opportunity to go on and live again. 

So, what am I going to do, you ask?

I'm going to do some embroidery work on it. After finishing my Happy Coat, inspired by Peppergoose's design, I want to play with that some more. I've always been a big fan of texture, so I know I want to do something with lots of it. Also, that gray color will work great with almost any color, so I know I want to incorporate it too - maybe soft colors.

I love repetitive elements, so that will need to be included.

Hmmm.... ideas are spinning in my head.

Suggestions? What would you do?

Craft Joy!


Care Sharpin

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