Since I Have Yet to Invent a Time Machine...
I've learned you sometimes have to compromise, adjust, or just let things go. For example, cleaning my house is one of those things that fall to the "just let things go" list most of the time. But I digress.
My original plan was to make three Plant versus Zombie creatures for my desk for Halloween. I got the first two made and was starting the third when the reality that Halloween is on MONDAY hit me. I knew I would not have time to complete the original design, plus finish my costume, plus finish my son's costume, plus make the 4,000 cake balls I committed to. But, I REFUSE TO ADD TO MY UFO PILE! What's a girl to do? Improvise!
My original plan was to make three Plant versus Zombie creatures for my desk for Halloween. I got the first two made and was starting the third when the reality that Halloween is on MONDAY hit me. I knew I would not have time to complete the original design, plus finish my costume, plus finish my son's costume, plus make the 4,000 cake balls I committed to. But, I REFUSE TO ADD TO MY UFO PILE! What's a girl to do? Improvise!

What you see here was supposed to be a Cabbage with a catapult on its back and a tiny cabbage sitting inside the basket. Once I realized I had limited time and I only had the main body and part of a leaf done, I started playing around to see how I could turn it into something else. TA DA - the green bunny was born.

And look! I even added a tail!
Happy Halloween Ya'll!
Happy Halloween Ya'll!