Mind the Gap
One of the things I love is having options in how you wear different pieces. I also enjoy mixing up patterns and techniques to see what comes out of it. And of course, I always love working with high contrast colors.
My new design, called Mind the Gap, combines all three. The pattern includes instructions for making four triangles, but how you join the triangles is up to you. Maybe you even decide to add more of the triangle pieces to make it into a shawl. I also provided some options for borders because I could not decide on which one is my favorite. I could see a really thick border making a strong statement.
I decided to call it "Mind the Gap" after i was drawing the pattern. It sort of reminded me of those spaces between the concrete and the trains you see in subways. Imagine my surprise when a Facebook friend posted a picture from his travels and it was exactly what I was thinking of. At that point I knew the name was a winner. As usual, you an find the pattern here in my store, on Etsy, and on Ravelry.
I'm working on another variation now as part of a collaboration I'm doing with Safronie hand-dyed yarns. More on that to come soon.
In the meantime, Happy Hooking!