Let's face it. We all have to deal with leftovers. You know what I'm speaking of . . . those bits of yarn remaining from a project that are too short to do anything with, yet too long to toss. Yeah, you could wrap them up in a teeny tiny ball and store them in a glass container, (shh . . don't tell anyone I do that too), or you can take charge and turn those little bits and balls into something fabulous.
What's that, you ask?
CIRCLES! Lots and Lots of Circles!
I started making circles with my leftovers earlier this year, and this is my collection so far. I have no idea what I'm going to do with these babies, but right now I'm having fun making them. Not only do I get to see all the colors I've used this year, (I told you I only collect variegated yarn), I feel like I'm working towards something . . . maybe even something big . . .like a blanket . . .
Basically my approach has been to set the leftover length of yarn aside. Then, when I have a small window or time I use my H hook and work them up. I only go 5 rounds total. If I have more left over I make another circle. If the yarn is a lighter weight I may double it up or go down a few hook sizes. I am also not weaving in ends yet. Since I don't know what I'm doing with them I figured I'd regret it later if I did.
Below is the pattern I'm using if you'd like to make your own circles. Of course, this would be awesome with squares, triangles, rectangles, etc.
What would you do with your leftovers?
Happy Hooking!
- Work in rounds.
- R01: 6 SC in magic circle (6 stitches)
- R02: 2 SC in each stitch around (12 stitches). Place stitch marker at beginning of round.
- R03: (2 SC in next stitch, 1 SC in next stitch) repeat 5 times (18 stitches)
- R04: (2 SC in next stitch, 1 SC in next 2 stitches) repeat 5 times (24 stitches)
- R05: (2 SC in next stitch, 1 SC in next 3 stitches) repeat 5 times (30 stitches). Finish Off.