Galaxy Scarf
I've been hand dyeing yarn for several years now, but rarely use it in my own projects. Something about taking the yarn, adding color, drying it, and then packing it up is satisfying enough. But I really needed to use it more. It feels heavenly and it's beautiful (IMO) so it was time.
I raided my stash and caked up one ball of every color in fingering weight. I then updated my website with quantities, determined how much more I needed to dye, ordered some more base . . . . you get the idea. Can you say PRO-CRAFT-INATION?
I pulled in my youngest to help me decide which colors to use (he's the resident color expert). We chose Black Magic, Black Velvet, Purple Haze, Hookah Butterfly, Dirty Martini, Pink Lady, Grape Schnapps, Fruit Tingle, and Black Cat. We were set.
Using the Clasped Warp technique and an alternating version of the Fibonacci sequence, we warped. It was fun playing around with the color changes and how the colors at the top were going to meet up with the two black colors at the bottom.
When it came time to weave I settled on an 8/2 black tencel as I wanted the weft to disappear. The result? FANTASTIC! I absolutely love this scarf! Knowing that I hand dyed all the colors makes it that much better.
Craft Joy!