Bead Embroidered Tile Necklace
A few years ago I picked up this lovely focal. It's a piece of balsa wood that has an image added to it with highlighted areas of color and glitter. All of that was then topped with resin. I paid way too much for it, but it spoke it me. I happily carried it with me in my bead bag for many years waiting for the perfect project to strike.
This year at Texas Bead Retreat I took a class that showed all the different ways to use bead embroidery. I was already familiar with the technique, but the way the instructor added all the texture to the bezel area in her pieces was thrilling. I love texture! I ran back to my table after that class and got started right away. I made good progress that weekend laying down the bezel and initial texture and knew EXACTLY how I wanted to go forward, but life got in the way and I put the project on the back burner.
This month my local Dallas Bead Society hosted a UFO contest. It was time to get my beading butt in gear! Ultimately it only took me a few hours to add the fringe and finish the CRAW chain I had already started, so I'm kind of mad at myself for waiting so long to finish it.
I'm super happy with how it turned out. CRAW chain, peyote bezel that has been embellished, bead embroidery, fringe, fringe, fringe.
Craft joy!