2018 Happy Fall Fest
Wow! What a busy couple of weeks it has been! This weekend marked the beginning of show season for me and my partner in crime Ruthann. Last year we only did one craft show, but this year we are going for three. Between the two of us, plus my sweet mother-in-law, we have a TON of crochet and knitted goodies for sale.
Since I had so much inventory, I decided to focus on making crazy hats. The idea was to get people into the booth and have a great time. It was most definitely a success! Not only did we have non-stop traffic all day, we had a huge crowd of people stop by to take pictures. Our booth neighbor got into it as well and was encouraging people to try them on.
I ended up with several requests, one of which is from the local librarians (pictured above). They want a set of these for children's story time, and we may be collaborating on other characters. So fun!
The patterns for all four of the birdbrain hats (Turkey, Chicken, Peacock, Flamingo) are all available on this site, Etsy, Ravelry, and Craftsy. I have a couple more in the works and will publish those soon.
Here are some pictures of the hats being modeled. Enjoy!
Joyful Shopping!